We are the wireless interference experts

ISCO solutions improve mobile network performance by automatically removing many types of interference.

Our software applications condition the RF link between the base station and the subscriber device to remove interference and improve signal quality. With tens of thousands of deployments under our belt, our products and solutions are proven to improve throughput, increase network accessibility and deliver more capacity.

ISCO’s patented, adaptive algorithms automatically identifies interference, detects the type of interference (PIM, narrowband, wideband) and applies digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to eliminate interference and noise.

  • PIM Management

  • Interference Management

  • SINR Optimization

  • RF Filtering

PIM caused by Physical, Environmental and Spectrum Conditions

Signals from multiple transmitters can interact and create Passive Intermodulation (PIM) that degrades the uplink signal, coverage and overall network performance. The PIM problem is growing as networks evolve with more frequency bands being deployed. Our solution removes PIM, regardless of its source.

PIM Cancellation

Private 5G

In this white paper developed with industry analysts Frost & Sullivan, we examine the opportunities and potential challenges of Private 5G networks - with a focus on RF planning and interference.


New and Noteworthy

Mobile World Congress Exhibitor Logo

ISCO is thrilled to be one of six companies selected to exhibit in the State of Illinois booth at Mobile World Congress, the world's largest and most influential connectivity event.  We're heading to Barcelona to talk to companies throughout the wireless ecosystem about how to deliver more coverage, higher capacity, and faster speeds.  Using ISCO to remove interference and PIM is important to mobile network operators to make service better for all wireless customers.  We'll be at MWC in Hall 7 Stand 7C21.

Calculate impact of PIM on the uplink  

New PIM Calculator shows IM3/IM5/IM7/Triple Beat

ISCO's new online PIM Calculator shows how transmit frequencies mix to create PIM in the uplink, affecting throughput, carried traffic, and other KPIs. Quickly see the results of these mathematical combinations, including triple beat, in a clear graphical and tabular display.

What’s your interference issue?